
To build strong communities of Young Adults who are in love with Jesus Christ and who are committed to serving Him in the Church and in the world.


To integrate Catholic young adults into parish life by nourishing them spiritually, engaging them socially, and building communities of service.


Young Adult Ministry seeks to connect Young Adults with: Jesus Christ; the Church as a welcoming Christian Community; the Mission of the Church in the World; and a Peer Community where Faith is nurtured and strengthened. We believe with the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI that “being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a
person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” (Deus Caritas Est)

To realize the mission of holiness, we seek to work with the Holy Spirit in calling Young Adults into a relationship with Jesus Christ, by striving to nourish their hearts, minds and souls in providing them with the necessary resources and opportunities. The goals from these opportunities include: meaningful experiences of the liturgy, developing a deep prayer life, learning more about faith, and how to share individual God-given gifts with the Church.