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The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina, formerly the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, is the annual effort that puts faith into action by supporting the critical ministries, parishes, and schools of the Diocese of Charleston, which encompasses the entire state of South Carolina.
Your generosity to the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina will sustain and bolster the crucial statewide work of our Church, which consists of:

By answering Christ’s call to carry forth His mission and be good stewards, supporters of the Catholic Appeal are lighting the way for our Church to remain ever-present across South Carolina, ensuring hope and support for all who seek it.
Prayer of the Catholic Appeal
Loving and merciful God, You gave us Jesus, Your only Son, to be our Savior, Redeemer, Brother, and Friend.
Inspire us with the gift of Your Holy Spirit, to recall our baptismal promise to be like Christ, by sharing our gifts of time, talent, and treasure with our brothers and sisters in need.
As we undertake our annual appeal, we ask for Your guidance as we strive to fulfill these promises that we offer up to You.
Give us the grace and understanding to carry out Your will as we faithfully continue Christ’s mission here in South Carolina.
With Mary, we ask this through Christ our Lord.
The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina is administered by the Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement
Questions? Please call (843) 261-0438