Why should people give to the Appeal?2023-01-03T14:32:58-05:00

It’s important to provide parishioners with an invitation to share their financial gifts to help provide Catholic outreach, ministry, education, and services to the people and parishes throughout the Diocese – Catholic or not. We are simply called to be Christ to one another.

The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina also provides a teachable moment. It allows parish leaders the opportunity to talk about the connectedness and universality of our Church. We are reminded that we are responsible not only for our parish, but also for the well-being of the Church throughout the Diocese. Since we are one community of believers, members of all parish communities throughout the Diocese of Charleston, we are invited to give to this effort.

Why is the goal of the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina $5,000,000?2023-01-03T14:52:57-05:00

We are a growing diocese: the number of registered families has increased by 25% over the last ten years. This growth presents new challenges and increased needs. With an increase in funding, we are able to invest substantial resources into programs and ministries that are accomplishing critically important work.

Why does my parish conduct the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina?2025-01-14T13:00:54-05:00

All 116 parishes and missions of the diocese participate in the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina. Each corner of South Carolina benefits from the funds contributed to the Catholic Appeal, and a successful effort is defined by each parish asking their parishioners to consider participating.

It is through the Appeal that many of the ministries in our communities, as well as Christ’s servants such as our seminarians and retired priests, can be supported by the diocese.

Without the Catholic Appeal, thousands of families who rely on support from these instrumental ministries would could go without food and basic hygiene services, the future generations of Catholics may lose their connection to the Church, and those who are discerning the priesthood or religious life may turn away from God’s calling.

How does the Diocese operate and what are its sources of income?2024-02-23T17:05:23-05:00

The diocese operates on three main sources of funding:

  1. Funds received from parish assessments,
  2. funds from income earned on investments, and
  3. funds from the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina. These are not used for diocesan salaries, instead they fund ministries and programs across the state.

The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina makes up approximately a third of the overall budget for the Diocese of Charleston.

Are funds from the Catholic Appeal used for legal settlements?2023-01-04T09:10:51-05:00

No, the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina does not provide financial support for priests on administrative leave, or for the financial settlements and counseling/medication costs for victims of clergy abuse.

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