All Deaneries

For more information contact the Office of Catechesis & Christian Initiation

Ongoing Events Details
Eucharistic Miracles Display Various Dates & Locations. Please visit the Eucharistic Revival page for more details or to request the display at your parish.
Event Date  Time
National Eucharistic Congress July 17 – 21, 2024 Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, IN

Visit the Eucharistic Revival page for information on how to obtain tickets at the Diocese of Charleston discounted rate or contact the Office of Catechesis & Christian Initiation for more information.

Aiken Deanery

For more information contact Mary Ellen Jackson

Date Time

Beaufort Deanery

For more information contact Kevin Coriolan.

Date Time
June 11, 2024 — Deanery Meeting, St. Gregory the Great Church 11:00 am

Charleston Deanery

For more information contact Mary Smith or Sharon Willi

Date Time
Deanery Meeting, June 3, 2024 @ Diocesan Pastoral Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room 9:30 a.m.

Columbia Deanery

For more information contact Ashley Price.

Date Time

Greenville Deanery

For more information contact Maria Barontini or Linda Jackson.

Date Time
Deanery Meeting — June 18, 2024 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Simpsonville, SC

Myrtle Beach Deanery

For more information contact Maureen Arneman

Date: Last Wednesday of the Month Time
“Pilgrims of Hope” Catechist Day – September 28, 2024

Register by September 13 at

$15 registration fee includes  lunch.

Download Flyer.

9:00 AM – 2:30 PM

Rock Hill Deanery

For more information contact Elena Ziegler.

Date: 2nd Thursday of the Month Time
June 13, 2024 – Deanery Meeting 9:00 am