The Apostleship of the Sea Prayer

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon all Seafarers
(Say one Our Father)
(Say one Hail Mary)
Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for us.
St. Peter, pray for us.
St. Andrew, pray for us.
Lord save us, or we perish!


For all who go to sea

Bless, O Lord all who sail in ships,
preserve them for yourself,
bless all who serve them
and lead us all into your Kingdom
through Jesus Christ Our Lord.


Our Lady Star of the Sea

Our Lady Star of the Sea, through you came the light of the world. You cared for the Son of God. Now all God’s children are your charge. To those who are in distress you provide a beacon of hope. If we wander from our faith you guide us back to our true course. In dark times we pray to you, everlasting light of our lives. Blessed Virgin, chosen by God, Our Lady Star of the Sea, pray for us.


For seafarers

Lord, ruler over waves and sea, keep your blessed hand over all seafarers. Give them the strength to lead a Christian life aboard their ships. Do not let them disappoint anyone who may expect their help aboard. Keep their families at home in your care. Even when far away from them for long, let them always be attached to them. Help all seafarers to keep on the right course always, and to reach the safe port of heaven.
