10 events found.
First Friday Table Talk February 2023
https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pW9JiDGDSE-YnLGw_U5elgSr. Roberta Fulton, SSMN will discuss Black History Month. Ms. [...]
Catechism In A Year Discussion Group
ZoomCatechism in a Year Are you following The Catechism in [...]
Men’s Discernment Retreat 2023
Camp Gravatt 1006 Camp Gravatt Road, Aiken, United StatesThis retreat is designed for young adult men who would [...]
Ordination of Permanent Deacons
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 120 Broad St., Charleston, SC, United StatesBishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, will ordain 15 men to the [...]
National Day of Prayer for the African American and African Family
The Office of Black Catholic Ministry invites you to join [...]
Catechism In A Year Discussion Group
ZoomCatechism in a Year Are you following The Catechism in [...]
World Day of the Sick Mass and Anointing with Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 120 Broad St., Charleston, SC, United StatesPlease join us for the annual World Day of the [...]
Windows into Heaven: Exploring the Beauty and Purpose of the Mass
Bishop England High School 363 Seven Farms Drive, Daniel Island, SC, United StatesHave you ever wondered why the Mass is so important [...]
Catechism In A Year Discussion Group
ZoomCatechism in a Year Are you following The Catechism in [...]
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