The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina is an important source of funding for the 95 parishes, 21 missions, 32 Catholic schools, multiple programs and ministries in the Diocese of Charleston. Sharing the Sweetness of the Gospel for Others!
2025 Goal | $5,000,000 — 100%
The bee is more honored than other animals not because she labors, but because she labors for others.
Saint John Chrysostom
Givers of His Love – $2,300,000 – 46%
Ministry & Outreach | $1,300,000 — 26%
We proclaim the joy of the Gospel and bring hope, encouragement, and love to others through the following diocesan-wide offices and local initiatives:
- Emergency Assistance to Parishes/Schools $195,000
- Black Catholic & Native American Programs $275,000
- Catechetical & Evangelization Programs $235,000
- Child Protection Services $350,000
- Family Life Ministry and Programs $110,000
- Hispanic Ministry and Programs $85,000
- Communications and Flocknote $50,000
Catholic Charities of South Carolina | $1,000,000 — 20%
The mission of Catholic Charities is to love, serve, and teach. Care and assistance is offered in a dignified manner to those in need. The “hand up, not hand out” approach includes direct services, consultation, education and advocacy. Catholic Charities models the hands and heart of Christ in the work that they do.
- Counseling Services
- Dental & Wellness Care (Save-a-Smile)
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Food Pantries
- Immigration Services
- Laundry and Shower Facilities (Clean of Heart)
- Pregnancy Case Management
- Prison Ministry
- Response Preparedness
- Senior Care Management
Teachers of His Children – $1,700,000 – 34%
Catholic Schools | $900,000 — 18%
We lovingly support the work of our Catholic schools to help set children on the path toward sainthood by increasing access to an affordable, quality, Christ-centered education through mechanisms such as:
- Catholic School Grants
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Endowment for Tuition Assistance
- Support for Specific Catholic School Initiatives
College Campus Ministry | $600,000 — 12%
Our presence at over 20 colleges assists students in the personal, theological and spiritual growth to become lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. We support:
- Professional Campus Ministry personnel
- New Liturgical Vessels and Books for Mass
- Stipends to Campus Ministers
- Campus Ministry Conferences and Associations
- Training for Campus Ministers and Student Leaders
- Start-up and Special Project Costs
- Print Materials and Technology
- Student Retreat Opportunities
- Spaces to serve as Campus Ministry Student Centers
Youth and Young Adult Ministry | $200,000 — 4%
We engage our youth and young adults by offering opportunities to encounter Christ so that they may experience the fullness of the faith as they continue to grow. Our goal is to provide a community of their peers for generations to come through the work of:
- The Office of Youth Ministry equips parishes by providing education and training. Diocesan youth are invited to experience a personal encounter with Christ through retreats, week-long camps, and national conferences.
- The Office of Young Adult Ministry offers faith development, fellowship and outreach opportunities to singles, young married couples and young families wishing to live the faith authentically. The office works to cultivate active, thriving parish-based and regional young adult communities.
Servants of His People
Vocations, Seminarians & Priest Retirement | $1,000,000 — 20%
It is our honor to encourage and nurture the call of men and women to vocations and consecrated life. We support their education, formation, and ongoing supplemental training.
The Office of Vocations seeks to nurture the call of men to the priesthood and women to consecrated life by reaching out to those who may be called by the Holy Spirit.
Seminarian Education and Support – The Diocese of Charleston supports the formation of 25 seminarians and discerners at five different seminaries as well as other discerners. The Diocese is responsible for the cost of their education and formation, which averages $60,000 per year, per seminarian. We also provide a measure of support to those studying through seminarian orders.
Priest Retirement- The priests of our diocese have given a lifetime of service and sacrifice to our diocesan family. We currently provide monthly retirement pensions and healthcare support to 24 priests; that number is projected to rise to 30 by 2030. Many of our retired priests continue to serve in parish ministries throughout our diocese.
Priest Continuing Education- The Diocese of Charleston supports our priests with ongoing continuing education so that are priests not only continue to grow in their own faith but as spiritual leaders they can help each of us grow too.
Permanent Diaconate- The diocese currently has 238 deacons serving with 26 that are in formation