Every year nearly 2,500 ships call at the Port of Charleston. That translates into over 65,000 seafarers each year. These men and women come from all over the world and they are away from their families and friends for four to twelve months at a time. At the Apostleship of the Sea it is our mission to welcome them to Charleston and help them with their material and spiritual needs.

We provide transportation for shopping, medical appointments, and other necessities. We provide prayer books, prayer cards, rosaries, and other religious items. We hold Masses and Communion Services on board the vessels. We are the hands and feet, face and heart of Our Lord to all who come to us, regardless of race, nationality, or religion.

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Get Involved

If you are interested in joining us in our ministry please contact Deacon Paul Rosenblum by telephone or text: 843-822-3572 or email paul.rosenblum @ stellamarismail.org. Not sure if you’re the right fit? Click to find out!
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Learn More

Apostleship of the Sea-USA: aos-usa.org

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops — Stella Maris: usccb.org/stellamaris

Charleston Port and Seafarers’ Society: charlestonseafarers.org

International Christian Maritime Association: icma.as

North American Maritime Ministry Association: namma.org