Calendar of Events
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4 events,
February NFP Introductory Sessions
February NFP Introductory Sessions February 1, 5, 6, 8, 15, [...]
Eucharistic Miracles Traveling Exhibit
Experience the diocesan Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, a curated selection from [...]
St. Francis by the Sea Lenten Mission
Please join St. Francis by the Sea Church in Hilton [...]
Rite of Election & Call to Continuing Conversion
Rite of Election & Call to Continuing Conversion
Most Reverend Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, has identified the sites and [...]
2 events,
Men’s Retreat, Following St. Peter, Flawed, Forgiven, Man of Faith
Come spend some time with other men in fellowship, prayer, [...]
3 events,
Eucharistic Miracles Traveling Exhibit
Experience the diocesan Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, a curated selection from [...]
2 events,
3 events,
Catechetical Webinar: Leviticus and Numbers
Catechetical Webinar: Leviticus and Numbers
The catechetical webinar series offered by the Diocese of Charleston [...]
4 events,
Conferencia de Mujeres
Conferencia de Mujeres
"Mi Coraza es Cristo" Conferencia de Mujeres Almuerzo incluido. Donación: [...]
5 events,
Eucharistic Miracles Traveling Exhibit
Experience the diocesan Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, a curated selection from [...]
5 events,
KofC Charity Golf Tournament
KofC Charity Golf Tournament
Knights of Columbus Council 9475 will hold their annual Charity [...]
5 events,
Lenten Musical Moments Recital Series in Camden
Lenten Musical Moments Recital Series in Camden
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Camden will hold [...]
4 events,
Eucharistic Miracles Traveling Exhibit
Experience the diocesan Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, a curated selection from [...]
FertilityCare Week Mass and Talk
FertilityCare Week Mass and Talk
Celebrate Worldwide FertiliyCare Week with us starting March 18, 2023, [...]
6 events,
Lenten Musical Moments Recital Series in Camden
Lenten Musical Moments Recital Series in Camden
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Camden will hold [...]
Holy City Physicians Guild Mass & Reception
Holy City Physicians Guild Mass & Reception
The Holy City Physicians Guild invites all physicians to the [...]
The Truth Within: Appreciating the Gift of Your Fertility
The Truth Within: Appreciating the Gift of Your Fertility
Celebrating Worldwide FertilityCare week with a presentation for single women [...]
4 events,
Catholic Medical Professional Group
Catholic Medical Professional Group
Come join a new forum for fellowship, mentorship, and discussion [...]
3 events,
Bioethics and End-of-Life Care Workshop
Bioethics and End-of-Life Care Workshop
A workshop on end-of-life care and bioethics to help clarify [...]
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