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Celebrating Worldwide FertilityCare week with a presentation for single women 18 yrs old and above, engaged and married couples by Sally Zaleski, CFCP.

The Truth Within is a powerful presentation about how wonderful and marvelous the design and function of the female body truly is. It helps women appreciate and advocate for their own gynecologic health.

It empowers women to know how tracking their cycles can greatly benefit their health by identifying potential problems and can be a natural alternative to the Birth Control Pill.

“Why didn’t I know this years ago?”

Surprised to learn their bodies are sending signals about their reproductive health, women wonder why they hadn’t learned this in their teen years.

Many lament having spent years on artificial hormones and the negative impact it had on their bodies.

Married couples love to learn they can plan their families naturally.

Register in advance: http://tinyurl.com/TruthWithin24

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