Online Retreat for Adult Children of Divorce
The Life-Giving Wounds online healing retreat is a unique opportunity [...]
November NFP Introductory Sessions
November NFP Introductory Sessions Nov 2, 9, 13, 15 and [...]
Catholic Teachers’ Retreat
This retreat is specifically for Catholic educators: teachers, administrators, principals, [...]
Columbia 40 Days for Life Closing Rally
2719 Middleburg Dr. Columbia, SC 2719 Middleburg Dr., Columbia, SC, United StatesJoin Columbia’s 40 Days for Life Rally as they close [...]
Eucharistic Miracles Traveling Exhibit
St. Philip Neri Church 292 Munn Rd., Rock Hill, SCExperience the diocesan Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, a curated selection from [...]
Evangelization & Adult Faith Formation Roundtable
Evangelization & Adult Faith Formation Roundtable Discussion Monday, November 6, [...]
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends
Beach Cove Resort, North Myrtle Beach, SC SCJesus came and stood in their midst and said to [...]
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
Beach Cove Resort, North Myrtle Beach, SC SCEs un fin de semana designado para darle a las [...]
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Beach Cove Resort, North Myrtle Beach, SC SCWhoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself [...]
Eucharistic Miracles Traveling Exhibit
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 302 Jeter St., Edgefield, United StatesExperience the diocesan Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, a curated selection from [...]
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