We are the Lord’s End-of-Life Seminar
April 20, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
We are the Lord’s is a workshop on Catholic Bioethics and End-of-Life to help clarify our Catholic understanding of human dignity and moral discernment and explain various end-of-life documents. During the workshop, participants will be giving the church’s teaching on death, examine some common situations and how to discern the many choices, and lastly information on the Catholic Health Care Power of Attorney form and other hospital forms related to end of life treatment.
This event will be held in Guadalupe Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. To register please email Victoria Norris, gvnorris@outlook.com If you have any specific questions, please call Kathy Schmugge at 803.547.5063 or email kschmugge@charlestondiocese.org
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