We have updated dozens of pages this week! Here’s a list of all that we can remember: 😂

Catholic Schools Office: Updated addresses for our lovely schools in the Coastal Region. Thank you Kim for the details!

Office of Youth Ministry:

  • Sweet new video for the SCDYC coming up in March!
  • For the Youth Ministry Listings, we updated all of the contacts to make it easier for visitors to know the names and email addresses of Directors of Youth Ministry.
  • Updated event images to show colorful photos for the upcoming events!
  • Thank you Mary Corder for the information! 👏

Office of Young Adult Ministry: Updated the contact list for the “Find My Young Adult Ministry” page with better links to email addresses. Tell all the young adults you know that the Catholic Church is alive!

Diaconate Office: Completed many minor updates for the deacons. Thank you Cristene!

Office of Ethnic Ministries: Updated the current Newsletter! Have you read the newsletter? You should! Don’t miss the  🎄 Christmas Special on TV. Thank you Rebecca for the info!

Office of Pastoral Formation: Sr. Kathleen and Cathy keep us busy. This office always has something new going on! Take a look.

Catechesis and Christian Initiation: Updated the Curriculum Standards.  For all you Catechetical Directors here in South Carolina, pour some coffee ☕️ and give it a read!  Thank you Michael!

Bishop: We almost forgot! We freshened up the decree section as well!