Catechetical Webinar 1&2 Timothy and Titus: The Pastoral Epistles
ZoomCatechetical Webinars offered through the Office of Catechesis & Christian [...]
Evangelization & Faith Formation Quarterly Virtual Roundtable
ZoomJoin us virtually from 12-1 pm to network with others [...]
Catechetical Webinar Proclaim the Faith: What is Evangelization?/The Kerygma and the Joy of the Gospel
ZoomCatechetical Webinars offered through the Office of Catechesis & Christian [...]
Catechetical Webinar The Mission Field and the Church as the ‘Field Hospital’
ZoomCatechetical Webinars offered through the Office of Catechesis & Christian [...]
OCIA Ministry Quarterly Virtual Roundtable
ZoomJoin us to Network with others in your ministry. Register: [...]
Catechetical Webinar Preparing Your Witness and Helping Others Prepare Theirs
ZoomCatechetical Webinars offered through the Office of Catechesis & Christian [...]
Evangelization & Faith Formation Quarterly Virtual Roundtable
ZoomJoin us virtually from 12-1 pm to network with others [...]
Catechetical Webinar Evangelizing Catechesis
ZoomCatechetical Webinars offered through the Office of Catechesis & Christian [...]
Catechetical Webinar Prayer: Lectio Divina
ZoomCatechetical Webinars offered through the Office of Catechesis & Christian [...]
Catechetical Webinar The Church: A Pilgrim People of Hope
ZoomCatechetical Webinars offered through the Office of Catechesis & Christian [...]
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