Native American Catholic Heritage Celebration
November 14, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
We Are All Related, When We Pray We Are One
A virtual celebration
A reflective engaging morning of prayer with Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone, (The Seven Direction) led by Sr. Trina McCormick, OP., music and a presentation by Deacon Larry M. Deschaine, PhD, Titled “Uniting Everyone from a Native American Catholic Standpoint.” In his presentation Deacon Deschaine will discuss Pope Francis’ latest encyclical “Fratelli Tutti.”
Other presenters include Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone; Mary Louise (Wolf Woman) Worthy will discuss 10 things Everyone Needs to Know about Native American Catholics; Musician, Cathy Nelson. Hosted by Kathleen Merritt
REGISTRATION LINK : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BzFm2PCyRlG6YaHmLJ8U_w
- 10:00 Welcome – Gathering Musical Selection by Cathy Nelson
- 10:10 Prayer Service led by Sister Trina McCormick, OP. MFA; Spiritual Reflection by Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston
- 10:25 Ministry updates & speaker introduction
- 10:30 Speaker
- 10:45 Questions from participants
- 11:00 Musical Selection by Cathy Nelson; Art
- 11:15 10 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Native American Catholics with Chief Mary Louise Worthy
- 11:25 Audience questions and reflections
- 11:50 Closing prayer
For more information, contact the Office of Ethnic Ministries at rmcnamara@charlestondiocese.org.
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