For over fifty-four years, the spiritual welfare of the Catholic Faithful of Summerton, South Carolina, has been served by the Parish of St. Mary. During this time, the Faithful have heard the Word of God, worshiped, and received the Sacraments of the Church within this parish. In an effort to ensure the vitality of parish life, with concern for the best stewardship of resources, and the right of the people of God to receive assistance from the Church, especially the Word of God, spiritual sustenance, and the sacraments, it is now deemed necessary to begin a new chapter of the Church’s presence in Clarendon County.

To that end, after due consultation with the administrator, Rev. Samuel Oloyede, OP; having sought and heard the counsel of the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of Charleston on April 8, 2014; and in accordance with the norms of canon 515, ยง2 and by testimony of this document, I hereby relegate the current Parish of St. Mary, Summerton, to a mission of the Parish of St. Mary, Our Lady of Hope, Manning. The former parish boundaries of St. Mary, Summerton, are now assumed by St. Mary, Our Lady of Hope, Manning, and include Clarendon County in its entirety. The name of the current St. Mary Church building shall remain unchanged. This decision is based upon a number of factors, among which are the current allocation of the Catholic Faithful in Clarendon County, the decline in the Catholic worshiping community at St. Mary, Summerton, the fostering of unity, the enhancement of collaborative ministry, and the relative proximity of the worship communities and churches.

I direct that this decree be given to Rev. Samuel Oloyede, OP, who is also the administrator of the Parish of St. Mary, Our Lady of Hope, Manning, and that this information be communicated at all Masses of obligation on the weekend of Saturday, June 7, 2014, and Sunday, June 8, 2014. I further direct that this decree be published on the website for the Diocese of Charleston,, which will be presumed the official notification of this action.

The relegation of St. Mary, Summerton, to a mission of St. Mary, Our Lady of Hope, Manning, and the subsequent assumption of its territory are to become effective Sunday, June 15, 2014, nothing the contrary withstanding.

Given at Charleston, South Carolina, on the 30th day of May 2014.

Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone
Bishop of Charleston

Sr. Sandra Makowski, SSMN, JCL

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