The Diocese of Charleston archives span from 1727 to the present and include the records and papers of the thirteen bishops of Charleston. Other records pertain to the chancery, parishes, clergy, men and women religious, laity, schools, cemeteries, hospitals, social services, buildings, and properties.

Learn more about records management and find manuals and retention schedules for agencies of the Diocese of Charleston.

Are you researching your family’s history or undertaking academic research for your college or university studies?

Do you have personal items you would consider gifting to diocesan archives?
Finding Aids
Finding aids assist the researcher in locating archival material relevant to their research. There is no single cumulative finding aid for the Diocese of Charleston archives. Rather, a user may have to reference multiple findings aids in various formats, depending on the time period and topic of their research. Learn more about the finding aids that are available for diocesan archives.
Visit the Archives
Archives, Diocese of Charleston
114 Broad St., Carriage House
Charleston, SC 29401
Phone: 843-410-1720
- Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed for religious and legal holidays.
- Research by appointment only 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Please review research procedures before contacting the Archives
General requests
Brian P. Fahey, MLIS
Melissa J. Mabry, MLIS
Associate Archivist
Charles Wujcik
Archives Assistant