Young Adult Ministry – Spring Retreat 2022
Open to all young adults ages 18-35, this will be a weekend with time for prayer, challenging talks, and time to meet other young adults at the beautiful Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island. You will be able to encounter God through the Sacraments, in prayer, in nature, and through the other retreat participants who are also eager to grow in their faith. Our sessions will be facilitated by Fr. Will Frei as he teaches us about meditation, contemplation, and St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Rules for Christian Discernment! Even if you haven’t prayed in a while or aren’t sure even how to pray, this retreat is for you. It’s going to be a beautiful weekend, and we would love to see you there! (And don't forget to invite a friend!) Registration is now available online at The rate for a shared room is $80, and private rooms are also available for both individuals and married couples at $145. Please pay with a credit/debit card when signing up, but cash & check payments are also accepted at the door. Please do not let cost affect your participation! Scholarships are available, and please contact Cara Lawley at for more information.
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