St. Theresa the Little Flower

Job Summary: Responsible for developing and implementing programs for the faith formation of parish youth and adults.

Major responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating the K-9 Sunday school program & youth events (future summer Bible school and other events for families and youth).
  • Developing/implementing an evangelization program for active and inactive parishioners.
  • Coordinating adult faith formation sessions such as Scripture studies and book studies.
  • Developing ways to use parish communications to evangelize parishioners.
  • Coordinating parish retreats and missions.
  • Overseeing/supervising all ministries in the parish (youth groups/young adult groups, formation, liturgical).
  • As the parish is a bilingual community, this position includes working within the Hispanic community and all their ministries.

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:

  • Eligible for Advanced Religious Education Certification with the Diocese of Charleston.
  • Working knowledge/skill in computer technology necessary for work.
  • Professional working attitude and collaborative approach.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Strong presentation skills.
  • Ability to make decisions, attention to detail, and troubleshoot.
  • Bilingual in Spanish and English is preferred but not required.
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Directs the operation of the respective direct reports, e.g., schedules, supervises, and evaluates volunteers and any staff that is hired to help.
  • Coordinates and provides initial and ongoing formation of ministries in the area of

Catechesis, evangelization and youth ministry:

  • Recruit (new and existing), screen, train, enrich, and recognize catechists and volunteers.
  • Ensures catechists are sufficiently educated in the faith according to guidelines from the Diocese of Charleston.
  • Meets regularly with catechist and volunteer teams for spiritual formation/training workshops, retreats / days of recollection, meetings, and rehearsals.
  • Have a written catechist and volunteer schedule with backups.

Budget and Expenses:

  • Prepares annual budget.
  • Monitors monthly expenses and revenues.
  • Authorizes respective expenditures within the approved budget.
  • Attends all meetings at the request of the Pastor/Supervisor.

Faith Formation:

  • Collaborates with the Pastor/Priest to manifest the vision for catechetical and sacramental life of the parish.
  • Fosters parishioner participation in faith formation, evangelization, and stewardship.
  • Provides opportunities for parent engagement and dialog to strengthen their role as faith leaders in their child’s life and to the community at large.
  • Provides opportunities for youth and/or young faith formation education, adult gatherings, prayer, social events, retreats and community engagement.
  • Provides programs and faith building activities for parishioners in all stages of family life.


  • Directs faith formation programs from child to adults, e.g., faith formation and sacramental preparation programs (e.g., first reconciliation, first Holy Communion, Confirmation, family/special needs catechesis, etc.).
  • Implements the policies of the Diocese of Charleston for catechesis and evangelization.
  • With consultation of the Pastor, selects appropriate catechetical materials based on the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops and Diocesan guidelines.
  • Maintains accurate records in a timely basis, e.g., attendance, sacrament, etc.
  • Provides continued support for new and existing catechists by being present before, during, and after classes.
  • Assures supervision of minors while on parish/school grounds for catechetical activities according to Safe Haven / Diocese of Charleston guidelines.
  • Effectively manages student behavior and works with parents.
  • Plan and coordinate practice(s)/rehearsals.
  • Ensures copyright and licensing requirement permissions.
  • Orders and maintains inventory faith formation materials and supplies.


  • Welcomes, educates, spiritually enriches and grows the parish community via new and existing programs.
  • Create, design, and implement a “welcome/welcome back” plan for new, passive, or inactive parishioners.
  • Responds to inquiries of those interested in the Catholic faith and refers them if needed to parish deacon for RCIA.
  • Promotes evangelization programs and educational opportunities for parish


  • Serves as a link for parishioners, parents, parish and staff, and catechist/volunteers regarding faith formation.
  • Schedules events and respective calendars.
  • Create media releases and develop social media programs that engage and encourage involvement.


  • Visibly engaged at principle parish events.
  • Fosters positive public relations in and outside the parish/school.
  • Attends respective Diocesan and Deanery workshops/programs as needed.
  • Other duties as assigned.

To apply for this job email your details to