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What recharges your batteries so you can continue serving?  How do you become spiritually renewed so that you can continue to share the gospel?  Just as Jesus went off to pray and rest, we invite you to come away and experience renewal and rejoicing during this 3-day retreat at the beautiful Camp St. Christopher retreat center on Seabrook Island, SC.  Anyone who serves in youth ministry, religious education, or is inspired to help spread the influence of Jesus is invited to attend.


Location: Camp St. Christopher, Seabrook Island, SC.pm

Retreat Leader: Dr. Dan Lloyd

Single Occupancy – $360, Double Occupancy – $280

$100 deposit holds your spot. Commuter Rate and Limited Scholarships available.

To register, visit https://bit.ly/renewandrejoice2024 or email Cathy@charlestondiocese.org.

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