Immersive Study: Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila
November 19, 2021 - November 21, 2021
| $250Everyone is invited to join us for a couple days of immersive study on the book Interior Castle by doctor of the Church and great mystic, St. Teresa of Avila. There will be lectures, discussions, reflection, and prayer as you immerse yourself in this great spiritual work.
It will be lead by Benedictine Sister Gertrude Gillette, a former teacher from Ave Maria University who currently works as a catechist in the Diocese of Charlotte, N.C.
Cost includes two nights lodging, all meals and materials. For those who live locally, a commuter option with 3 meals and all presentations and materials is $75.
For more information, visit HeartRidgeMinistries.com/InteriorCastle
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