Cursillo Region VII Encounter
October 22, 2021 - October 24, 2021
| $20Each year there are Spring and Fall Encounters held in our Region. These Encounters are open to any and all Cursillistas! The Region VII Fall Encounter will be Oct. 22-23, 2021, at Our Lady of Fatima Church, 2090 Pass Road in Biloxi, Miss.
What happens at an Encounter?
We pray, listen to talks, discuss, and of course, we eat — as always in Cursillo, we eat! An Encounter is one of the few times that all the language groups come together, and it is a wonderful time to get to know Catholics in the Region.
We are asking for a donation of $20 per person to help offset the costs of hosting the Encounter. Please send your check to the address on the registration form or pay when you arrive at the Encounter. Registration form at: http://cursilloregion7.org/encounters.
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